Accident vascular cerebral. There may be bleeding by rupture of a cerebral artery (20% of cases) or ischemic by interruption of the blood flow (80% of cases).
There is another special form of ischemic STROKE called a transient ischemia or small STROKE that is defined by the absence of brain injury imaging and the complete resolution of clinical signs within 24 hours.

Do you recognize the signs of STROKE?
V : face. Is it sagging ?
I : Inability to raise both arms normally.
T : Speech disorder (difficulty pronouncing words)
E : Extreme urgency. Call quickly the number of your local emergency (911 for North America)
Imaging :
The confirmation of a STROKE is made by ct or magnetic resonance (MRI) of the brain.
The scanner may be normal in the first 24 hours, hence the importance of repeating a scan negative.
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